About Dr Nicole Chater
Cosmetic Physician and General Practitioner Specialist
With over 10 years experience in patient care, Dr Nicole Chater has a unique approach to her patient's. She believes a patient should be treated as a whole, mind, body and spirit.
"I believe in being a doctor of life. A doctor who can be a source of knowledge, a source of support, who treats a patient holistically, not just as the sum of their parts." Throughout her medical practice, Dr Nicole has been fortunate to treat patient's from all different backgrounds, but importantly, has learnt that we are all very complex, we all carry trauma and history and pre-conceived notions, and this affects our physical health.
Throughout her many years in practice, Dr Nicole has seen that one's physical or mental health can impact their appearance, but also the reverse can also be true. "Often in my cosmetic practice, I might see someone when they are feeling really low, maybe a break-up, maybe they feel physically drained after giving their life to their children. And so we work, one step at a time to restore self care, self worth, and in turn their confidence. Over time, I see a change in their mood. They start to love them self again.
As a busy mum of 3, Dr Nicole knows all too well that our busy lifestyle's during this amazing era, can easily lead to burnout, stress, mental health, poor diet and lack of exercise; and in turn these things intimately affect our health and wellbeing. It is her goal that she might help people to live a healthy, prosperous and happy life. "We are all growing old. Our population is ageing. It is ever more important that we age well."

Be you best self. Mind, body, face.